The Advantages of Templates

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Firstly, an Exploit Template is an agreed common method to use the Exploit responsibly,
When all characters request the same template, there are less security risks since there is no unknown code being executed.

Note there are two types of Templates [File Template] and [Executable Template]
The File Template is a file that you can load in the ST file slot of the DEF file
The proposed location for this is
ST = ../../Data/ExploitTemplate.cns
This is a relative file path that allows you to load a file from the data folder

The second type is an executable that has the effect of the Template built into the exe itself.
Note that both types are required to disable the possibility of using the exploit afterwards.
The EXE Type is safer since it is guaranteed secure at starting and is recommended for those who want to run many ‘interesting’ characters

Now, as for the advantages

1. Cross version compatibility
If you request a template file that you do not have to include in your own character, you can be compatible with all 3 main mugen versions at once (1.00, 11A4, 11B1), because the template file will be related to the current version of mugen it is in.

2. Preventing interference on other characters
Everyone agreeing to use the same template will erase the possibility of conflicts where the custom code of A prevents B from working
Note that this is mostly a side effect of everyone agreeing not to use ACE for their own means
(Which doing so is often overkill)
Also no matter what in this game, the left side always has the advantage.

3. Future proof (Backward Compatibility Guarantee)
When requesting a file that is not included in your own character
You can guarantee that the file that will be loaded is the most recent version
As long as this file is kept up to date (Or executable in Executable case)
And all versions are Backwards compatible
There is never the risk of requesting a template older than the one the enemy may request

In the next part I will discuss what a Template should be capable of to satisfy the needs of the general user while preventing them from executing their own ACE

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