;; Lines starting with ; are ignored. [WordToInt] 2147483647 MAX_INT 2147483647 MAX_POSITIVE -2147483648 MAX_NEGATIVE 8000 TEMP_VAR_SIZE ;; 2000 * 4 0x10000 FirstInt 0x20000 SecondInt 30 Demo_WordToInt [WordToFloat] 1.234588 Demo_WordToFloat 3.141592653589793 MathPI 2.718281828459045 MathE [WordToVar] 25 Demo_Var [WordToFVar] 30 Demo_FVar [PermInt] 333333 Demo_PermInt [PermFloat] 666666 Demo_PermFLT ;; Don't go above the Temp Var Limit (Default 2000) ;; Due to the Z Width Calculation requirement it's highly suggested not to only use when necessary. [TempInt] 100 Demo_TempInt [TempFloat] 200 Demo_TempFLT