File 1: User Defined Triggers
FilePath = "UserTriggers.txt" 
[Category 1] [Word to Int Triggers]
Used to associate words with fixed numbers
Can be used for configuration values without depending on real variables
Can also be used as a variable index, however it is not recommended as dedicated var types exist
2147483647 MAX_INT
2147483647 MAX_POSITIVE
-2147483648 MAX_NEGATIVE
8000 TEMP_VAR_SIZE ;; 2000 * 4
[Category 2] [Word to Float Triggers]
As above, you can associate floating number with words
Multiplication, Division, etcetera
1.234588 Demo_WordToFloat
3.141592653589793 MathPI
2.718281828459045 MathE
[Category 3] [Word to Var Value]
Used to directly refer to either the value or the address of a relative player integer variable
33 VariablePurpose
[State -2]
Type = DisplayToClipboard
Trigger1 = Set(VariablePurpose + Random + 1)
Text = "Trigger %d Var %d"
Params = VariablePurpose,Var(33)
[Category 4] [Word to FVar Value]
Used to directly refer to either the value or the address of a relative player float variable
35 FloatVariablePurpose
[State -2]
Type = DisplayToClipboard
Trigger1 = SetF(FloatVariablePurpose + 1.50)
Text = "Trigger %f Var %f"
Params = FloatVariablePurpose,FVar(35)
[Category 5] [Word to Perm Int]
Used to directly refer to a fixed permanent variable address and return as Integer
Permanent variables are not owned by any player in particular (See expansion FAQ)
Permanent variables do not have a distinct data type either.
84654 PermanentInt
[State -2]
Type = DisplayToClipboard
Trigger1 = Set(PermanentInt + 3)
Text = "Trigger %f Var %f"
Params = PermanentInt,Perm(84654)
[Category 6] [Word to Perm Float]
Used to directly refer to a fixed permanent variable address and return as Float
Permanent variables are not owned by any player in particular (See expansion FAQ)
Permanent variables do not have a distinct data type either.
12384 PermanentFloat
[State -2]
Type = DisplayToClipboard
Trigger1 = SetF(PermanentFloat + 3.523)
Text = "Trigger %f Var %f"
Params = PermanentFloat,PermF(12384)
[Category 7] [Word to Temp Int]
Used to directly refer to a relative player's temporary variable and return as Integer
Temporary variables are 'owned' by specific players, and must be reset on helper initialization
See Expansion FAQ.
600 TemporaryInt
[State -2]
Type = DisplayToClipboard
Trigger1 = Set(TemporaryInt + 3)
Text = "Trigger %d Var %d"
Params = TemporaryInt,Temp(600)
[Category 8] [Word to Temp Float]
Used to directly refer to a relative player's temporary variable and return as Float
Temporary variables are 'owned' by specific players, and must be reset on helper initialization
See Expansion FAQ.
500 TemporaryFloat
[State -2]
Type = DisplayToClipboard
Trigger1 = SetF(TemporaryFloat + 43.523)
Text = "Trigger %f Var %f"
Params = TemporaryFloat,TempF(500)